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Chamber By-Laws


Section 1: Name 


Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce is to achieve these objectives:

(1) Preserving the competitive enterprise system of business by creating a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of business people and a concern for their problems; educating the business community and representing it in city, county, and state, and political affairs; preventing or addressing controversies if they are detrimental to the expansion and growth of business in the community; creating a greater appreciation of the value of a more liberal investment of substance and self on behalf of the interests of competitive business. 

(2) Fostering business and community growth and development through economic programs designed to strengthen and expand the income potential of all businesses in the trade area; promoting programs of a civic, social, and cultural nature that are designed to increase the functional and aesthetic values of the community; and discovering and correcting abuses that prevent the advancement of business expansion and community growth.


Section 1: Membership


Section 2: Membership Classifications 

Active members: All individuals, firms, corporations, and property owners who have an interest in the commercial, industrial, and agricultural development of the community may be members.


Section 3: Duration of Membership 

(1) Membership is for one year; renewing on the first day of the month the business initially joined the chamber.  PG电子平台的会员资格将在死亡或公司解散时终止, corporation, or other organization and may, at the option of the member, terminate upon removal from the Juab County geographical area.

(2) Membership in the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce may be terminated for non-payment of dues, or for conduct unbecoming a member, by a majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting; provided that written notice of the proposed action and or the right of the member to appear at the meeting on his/her own behalf has been given to the member at least 20 days prior to the meeting.

Section 4: Honorary Membership 

Distinction in public affairs shall confer eligibility to honorary membership. 名誉会员除享有表决权外,享有会员所有特权,并免缴会费. The officers shall confer or revoke honorary membership by a majority vote. 



Section 1: Officers

PG电子平台的官员应由四名成员组成,由PG电子平台的会员选举为会长, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. 


Section 2: Election of Members

管理人员的选举应在每年9月按下文规定的方式举行, and the newly elected officers shall take office in October following the election.


Section 3: Manner of Voting          

投票应以书面或电子投票的方式进行,任何成员不得超过一票.  Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.  Only members in good standing shall be permitted to vote.

Section 4: Term of elections       

Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. 总裁和司库在偶数年选举,副总裁和秘书在奇数年选举.  

Section 5: Nominations         

Nominations may be made by any member of the Greater Nephi Chamber of Commerce in good standing.

Section 6: Consecutive nominations         

No officers, subject to election, shall be elected or hold office for more than three (3) consecutive terms of two (2) years each.

Section 7: Vacancy          

If any officer vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by the next highest vote recipient.  任何获此任命的官员,其任期应在其继任者选出并按上文所述就职后的剩余任期内完成. If there are less than 6 months remaining in a term when an officer resigns, the vacancy will be filled in the next election. If  there are 7 or more months left in a term, and the next highest candidate on the ballot is not available to fill the vacancy, a special election can be held at the chamber’s discretion.


Section 1: President         

主席应主持所有会员会议,并应是所有定期委员会和特别委员会的当然委员. 总裁应负责雇用、解聘、指导和监督所有员工. 经会员批准后,会长应负责编制涵盖PG电子竞技平台所有活动的业务预算. The President shall also be responsible for all expenditures with approved budget allocations. 


Section 2: Vice President    

The Vice President will have such duties as may be assigned by the President.  The Vice President shall act in lieu of the President when the President is unable to act. 副会长应负责编制包括PG电子竞技平台所有活动的业务预算,但须经会员批准. The Vice President shall be a signing member of the bank account.


Section 3: Secretary

The Secretary will take the minutes of all meetings and provide copies as needed. 秘书应负责编制包括PG电子竞技平台所有活动的业务预算,但须经会员批准.


Section 4: Treasurer         

财务主管应负责编制涵盖PG电子竞技平台所有活动的经营预算,但须经会员批准. 财务主管应负责保管PG电子竞技平台收到的所有资金,并确保资金的合理使用. 这些资金应存入金融机构或以董事会批准的方式进行投资. Checks are to be signed by the treasurer and the president or, in the absence of either or both, by any two officers. The treasurer shall cause a yearly financial report to be made to the members.


Section 1: Contracts         

The Officers shall have power in the organization’s name to:  sue and to hold, sell or lease real estate and personal property, to incur debts, to borrow money, 为此提供由两名或两名以上官员签署的组织说明,并可订立促进分庭宗旨的任何种类的合同.


Section 2: Bylaws         

It shall be the duty of the Officers to carry into effect the purposes of the organization; to make, adopt, and/or amend By-Laws, rules and regulations for the government of the organization; to create and appoint subordinate officers and positions and to prescribe the duties thereof.


Section 1: Funds 

All money paid to the chamber shall be placed in a general operating fund. Unused funds from the current year’s budget can be placed in a reserve account. 


Section  2: Disbursements 

Upon approval of the budget, 总统有权支付预算中规定的帐户和费用,而无需额外的成员批准. 


Section 3: Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year of the chamber shall close on December 31.


Section 4: Budget 

The officers shall adopt the budget for the coming year and submit it to the members for approval.


Section 1: Revisions 

本附例可在任何定期或特别会议上经过半数成员修改或更改, provided that notice for the meeting includes the proposals for amendments. 任何拟议的修订或变更,须在须对其采取行动的会议召开前至少10天以书面形式提交董事会或成员. 

Adopted: November 12, 2021

Amended: November 2, 2023

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